About The Medieval Islam Repository

Welcome to the Medieval Islam Repository, an online hub dedicated to catering to both enthusiasts and scholars intrigued by medieval Islamic history. Founded by Dr. Sara Ann Knutson, Laila Shaheen, and Jason Izadi as part of the Student as Partners Program, this initiative is driven by a shared passion for preserving and sharing the profound legacies of the Islamic world during the medieval era.

Our Mission

At the heart of our mission is a commitment to making the intricate narratives of medieval Islamic history accessible to all. By curating an extensive collection of primary and secondary sources in Arabic, English, and Farsi, we aim to create a comprehensive repository that serves as a gateway to the diverse and vibrant cultural, scientific, and political landscapes of the past.

Student as Partners Program

This project was initiated as part of the innovative Student as Partners Program. “Students as Partners” is an educational approach within higher education that recognizes the importance of actively involving students in the processes of teaching, learning, and curriculum design. It emphasizes collaboration and engagement among faculty, staff, and students with the goal of enhancing the overall educational experience. This approach acknowledges that students have valuable insights and expertise regarding their own learning and seeks to leverage their perspectives to improve the quality of education. “Students as Partners” encourages a reciprocal, horizontal, and inclusive relationship where students are not just passive recipients of knowledge but active contributors and collaborators in shaping their educational journey. 

How You Can Contribute

We believe in the collective power of knowledge, and we invite you to be an integral part of transforming the Medieval Islam Repository into a dynamic hub for all things medieval Islamic history. Your contributions are instrumental in achieving our overarching goal—to curate a comprehensive repository that encompasses the vast spectrum of medieval Islamic history.

Recommend Sources

Have a favorite historical text, document, or scholarly work that you believe should be part of our collection? Share your recommendations with us! Your insights and suggestions will help us expand our repository, providing a broader and more inclusive understanding of medieval Islamic history.

Share Your Thoughts

Are you a researcher, historian, or enthusiast with valuable insights to offer? We welcome contributions such as articles, blog posts, or multimedia content that enhance the educational experience for our visitors. Your unique perspectives can contribute to a deeper appreciation and understanding of the historical context, so please reach out!

Collaborate On Themes

If you have a specific area of interest within medieval Islamic history, consider collaborating with us to develop thematic collections. Together, we can explore and organize sources that delve into politics, culture, science, and more, making the repository a diverse and engaging resource for all. Get in touch with us!

Spread The Word

Help us reach a wider audience by sharing the Medieval Islam Repository with your network. Whether through social media, academic circles, or community groups, your support in spreading the word about our project is invaluable in fostering a community of learners and contributors.